when solving for the speed, I guessed not only the name but also the author!
Beğen 2 1
2019-11-19 09:19
Thank!!! Very nice, I guess!!!
2019-12-20 10:00
As the grandmother said the witch, Fool's planting a shovel - You, Ivan, slushee than dried apricots Only face much freckled !
As said Yaga, Ivan the fool to Warm me decided what? Freckled I, grandmother, it is. But you're not Angelina Jolie!:ignat
Beğen 4 1
2019-12-20 10:02
Once it was years ago ...TSAT
2024-01-09 00:40
Beğen 0 0
2024-08-13 18:28
Beğen 0 0
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