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Çevrimiçi bulmaca «Anemones»

2018-01-25 00:00:00

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dos Online 50 Solver Rank
2018-01-25 09:35

Beğen + 0     0
vk449228380 11
2018-01-25 13:03

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liluva 40 Solver Rank
2018-01-25 13:22
очень красивоroseroseroseroserose

Beğen + 1     0
mumof 42 Solver Rank
2018-01-25 14:48

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kochuballa 30 Solver Rank
2018-01-25 19:21

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krylovanina44 19
2018-01-28 16:42
Яркий красочный пазл! Я не видела никогда анемонов такой окраски! kiss

Beğen + 0     0
frezi282 35
2018-04-08 18:29
Красота завораживающая! kiss

Beğen + 0     0
lena517 35
2018-07-26 19:14

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nella 18
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awwa 18
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elena1950 29
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elena1950 29
2020-04-10 11:09

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ludmila-nadoelo 35
2020-07-09 13:54
In Greek means daughter of the wind. We call it anemone and chicken pox, because the flower petals begin to tremble at the slightest gust of wind. Found in Asia, North
America and Europe. Features a variety of shapes and colors - the growth of a plant from 15 to 80 cm, the flowers are from simple, semi-double and double Blooms from April - may. Then start to bring other species, so flowering lasts all season, cold weather is not afraid, and blooms until frost. Russia found a single wild species-anemone forest

Beğen + 2     0
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