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Çevrimiçi bulmaca «Mologa town»

2016-04-12 00:00:00

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Mologa town

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#landschaft #painting #painted   Düz renkli alanlar: 3%


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Tverianka Solver Rank
2016-04-11 00:31
"Город Молога до затопления ", Сотсков Геннадий Алексеевич (1925-2011) — советский российский художник.

Beğen + 1     0
Tverianka Solver Rank
2016-04-12 16:07
Для модераторов, которые решили, что картина написанная маслом это не качественная фотография. На репродукции хорошо виден и холст и мазки.

Beğen + 2     0
burmanni Online Solver Rank
2016-04-13 11:15
А может быть, эти модераторы никогда не видели картин, написанных на холсте маслом? Тогда им остается только посочувствовать. :'(

Beğen + 0     0
2017-01-31 17:26

Beğen + 0     0
2017-02-02 21:15
:) :) :)roseroserose

Beğen + 0     0
2018-12-01 16:14

Beğen + 0     0
2020-06-26 12:22
An ancient Russian city Mologa is one of the 6 cities of the Volga, flooded during the construction of the Rybinsk reservoir. The upper Volga was often dry and sometimes the navigation lasted only 1-1,5 months new facilities were built, which need electricity. Had the government adopted a resolution on the construction of the Volga river cascade of dams. During construction, the dam height raised to 4m. This has led to an environmental disaster. Forests were cut, burned and blew up houses, churches and monasteries. People were deported to the unknown. Help is never turned out. The period of eviction from 48 hours to several days. Documented deaths in the flooding of 294 people.

Beğen + 3     0
2021-08-17 22:58

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