Меня за что-то блокируют, но напишу тут. Это трудно назвать дублем, хотя очень похожие картинки, так вот нагляднее
Beğen 2 6
2020-09-13 17:14
Where did you see my minus, I abstained from voting.
2020-09-13 18:02
Sorry, but I did not write about any minus and it was not you who blocked me, but the system, there are no complaints against you. Maybe I am not expressing my thoughts correctly, but I meant that I wanted to answer you under your comment. I see my comment as harmless .. And this is for you
Tüm yorumları göster
2020-09-13 18:54
And I gave a link for nettaly, because you can see that this is her puzzle and our public with her, let him think about both of her pictures.
2020-09-13 19:24
Yes, I had the feeling that “I’ve seen this somewhere before,” but the program did not show 100% replay on load. It seems to me that this is the work of the same photographer. What? I moved the sausage from one place to another and a different composition. I abstain from voting for now and urge those who often encounter similar situations in the Guess the Fragment game to speak.
2020-09-13 19:34
I abstain from voting because Friendship
2020-09-14 11:45
I had a similar situation in Guess the Piece: there were two pictures of underwater life. Honestly, I felt like I was playing Spot the Difference (( But the pictures themselves are nothing.
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