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Giriş #572614

milutin03 Online Solver Rank
! #572614   2022-11-16 13:48

I will make 8 stickers with various themes, for 12th Grand Games Birthday.

they will be soon completed. So please wait until all 8 of them appear in currently moderation.

Beğen + 5     4
anikina  2022-11-16 13:58 + 5
Sorry for the clarification. November 30th will be only the 11th anniversary of the site.
Извините за уточнение. 30 ноября будет только 11 годовщина сайта.
İsimsiz  2022-11-16 17:51 + 1
Very nice stickers! But @anikina is right - it`s he 11th anniversary) I think, stickers can wait a little, and next year we `ll make them with great pleasure)
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2022-11-16 18:07 + 3
Cool stickers vverh
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2022-11-16 18:11 + 3
@milutin03, we have the 11th anniversary of the site, sorry
Site arayüzü öğelerinin yanlış veya hatalı bir çevirisi bulursanız, lütfen bildirin: @GrandGames
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