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GrandGames Official @GrandGames

Kayıtlı: 2011-11-30 00:00
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GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #630151   2025-02-10 01:06

Поступило предложение упростить логику игры в белорусских кроссвордах и пазлах следующим образом:

Разрешить перестановку только правильно найденных элементов. Т.е. если пару нашли корректно, она переставляется.
Если нет, клетки либо не двигаются вовсе, либо показывается быстрая анимация перестановки в и возвращения обратно, примерно как в играх по типу три-в-ряд.

В этом случае отпадет необходимость в функции отмены хода. Сейчас большинство игроков, если первая перестановка не удачна, не продолжают игру, возвращают вручную ход назад и ищут правильную пару. Т.е. по сути делают тоже самое.

Как вы к этому оноситесь?


Beğen + 9     16
mikl 53 Solver Rank  2025-02-08 12:57 + 8

Положительно. Показывать быструю анимацию.
Смысл игры - нахождение пар, а возврат хода - это просто умение быстро владеть мышкой.

eva10000 40 Solver Rank  2025-02-08 13:23 + 5

В белорусских мне не нравится предложение по упрощению логики. Куда ещё упрощать? Кроме того если пара не найдена, то можно не возвращаться а..ну не помню как и куда и сам алгоритм... но я так иногда делаю. Вообщем как бы наверное четырех угольник получается. И потом на неправильный ход всё сходится. Но конечно когда начинаешь только играть бел.кроссы вызывают сильное недоумение. Видимо новая метла в них не играла и не замечает "тонкостей" вот они и кажутся несущественными. Если просто тыкать куда точно положено то какой интерес?

Но вот функция отмены хода действительно неудобная. Далеко доставать до кнопки... была. Но в новой версии - норм. А вот цвет которым выделяют возможные варианты - неуютен. Хотя само поле так же уютно как было раньше. Мне с утра даже показалось что всё просто вернули назад. Но нет. Просто досовершенствовали.

Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2025-02-01 23:09

The functionality of Belarusian puzzles has been updated. A control panel has been added, like in other puzzles, and hot keys. In the near future, multipuzzles and Belarusian crosswords will also be updated. Suggestions for adjusting the functionality are accepted within a week in the comments to this post.


Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-12-24 11:00

We wish our players a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The code for receiving a gift: ChristmasNy25 can be activated on the page
We invite you to a holiday tournament, which will be held from 28 to 8 with simple puzzles and a long time to solve (24 hours).

Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-12-06 09:35


Tomorrow, 07.12.2024, the denomination of game coins will be carried out in a ratio of 100:1.
In fact, this means dropping two zeros from all prices and is a technical measure to simplify operations and make things more convenient. Prices on the market, in tournaments, statistics and in all other sections of the site where coins are used will be adjusted automatically in the specified ratio with rounding up. No action is required from players.


Beğen + 1     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-11-30 00:03

November 30th marks the site's anniversary. On this occasion, we are giving all users a gift. To receive it, activate the code: Ann13Prize
on the page: (until December, 1)
We also invite you to a festive tournament with a very high drop:

Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-11-19 20:20

At the end of November, there will be two high-drop tournaments dedicated to the next anniversary of the site.
One is a marathon throughout the week (mostly simple, quick puzzles):
The second is a ball sorting cup on Saturday, November 30:
Free entry, we invite you to participate.

Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /tournaments/25413   2024-10-28 18:25

Tournament for the title of champion 2024.

The competition of participants will take place in the duels section. This table is used only for registration of participants and random formation of pairs. The puzzle opened in each round does not matter, the result will be added to the table manually.

The game is played as follows. Each pair plays up to 9 games in the duels section. The winner is the player who wins 5 games first.
Each pair independently chooses the puzzles they want to play and their duration at their discretion. If a compromise option cannot be found, then everyone chooses 4 types of puzzles and their time (5-10, 10-20 or 20-45). 9 puzzle - mahjong for 10-20 minutes.
Players themselves choose any convenient time for the match, but no later than a day before the end of the round. When the players have decided on the time of the tournament, write a list of puzzles and the time when you will play with the hashtag #champ2024 on the tournament page. After the match, indicate in the comments who won and with what score. The winner of the tournament will receive the title of site champion and a monthly VIP account. Good luck!


Beğen + 2     1
GrandGames Admin  2024-10-28 18:25 + 0

Players who have already crafted a ticket are guaranteed to participate:


The remaining two places before the tournament starts can be taken by 2 more players who have enough "Tournament Point 2024" to craft a ticket.

GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-10-15 15:58

We are officially launching our new service GrandGames Arena, which allows you to play various board games online, such as chess and gomoku. More games will be added gradually. Welcome!



Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-09-13 20:57

Запустили в тестовом режиме наш новый сервис "GrandGames Arena". Он позволит играть онлайн с людьми и ботами в настольные игры самых разных жанров.
На текущий момент для теста доступно несколько вариантов шахмат. К моменту официального запуска в октябре-декабре, список игр будет расширен. Опробовать можно по ссылке:

Beğen + 6     0
GrandGames Admin

This item is awarded to the top five players in each group in the Diamond League each week 💎

Beğen + 3     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-06-13 10:57

League functionality has been updated. The table now has designations for the current place, the number of points from the previous recalculation, and a label showing whether the player will be demoted or promoted if the current situation remains the same. Some parameters have been adjusted. The maximum group size has been increased to 33 people. For leagues 4-6, the number of relegated players is exactly 10 people. For 2 and 3 leagues - 5 people. If there is an equal number of points, sorting is carried out by Site Rank.

With such parameters for the long term, the number of groups, according to our calculations, should remain stable and be 1-2 for diamond, 2-3 for emerald, 4-5 for gold and 8-9 for silver.



Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-05-06 18:36

The functionality of the brainteasers catalog has been updated. Improved performance, added the ability to switch display modes, fixed some problems.



Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-04-26 15:40

Boosters that modify the drop rate are no longer supported and have been archived:

Until the end of the year, they can be exchanged using a free prescription for other boosters of equivalent value.


Beğen + 0     0
GrandGames Admin

This item is received weekly by the 🏆winner of their group in the 💎Diamond League

Beğen + 2     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #602887   2024-04-05 18:44

We are launching our new section "puzzle constructor":

It allows you to create any puzzle from any arbitrary picture without publishing it on the site. You can use absolutely any pictures, they are not visible to anyone except you and are not even sent to the server. All processing takes place entirely in your browser. In addition, in some puzzles, for example in classic puzzles, you can choose cutting options from which the puzzle will be formed, which is not currently available in the catalog.

Currently, four functional options are available for the game: tag, classic puzzles, sticky puzzles and floating puzzles. All other existing sections will be added gradually. It is also planned to implement saving the state of the game and the downloaded image in your browser. It is currently unavailable. Leave your suggestions and comments in the comments to this post.

Later, this constructor is planned to be used instead of the old puzzle type selection menu.

P.S. It is planned to introduce the oldest functionality into the designer, which in the puzzle section is labeled as “horizontal, vertical, panoramic”. We need to come up with some concise general name for it. If you have ideas on what would be the best name, write in the comments.



Beğen + 11     13
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-12-09 14:07 + 4
Интересно) Спасибо! solnce vverh
GrandGames Admin  2023-12-10 10:36 + 5

Added polyominoes to the constructor. Instead of dividing parts into cells by exact size, the designer divided them into groups by size range. The polyomino functionality has been improved, now it allows you to play puzzles larger than 32x24 (previously the maximum size) up to 80x80 cells. In addition to the horizontal picture, a picture of any other orientation can be selected.
Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #609971   2024-03-29 22:35

How to Solve the "Walls" Puzzle

Analysis of the puzzle

1. Let's consider the cell with the number 5 in the top left corner (highlighted in red). Two blocks of cells adjoin it, where lines can be drawn (highlighted in blue). However, in order for the number of lines passing through this cell to be equal to 5, three cells from the vertical block must necessarily contain vertical lines (highlighted in green).

2. Reasoning similar to point 1 is applied to 4 cells with numbers (highlighted in red). Blocks of cells that need to be filled with corresponding lines are highlighted in green.

3. Let's consider the cell highlighted in blue. If it contains a vertical line, then the number of lines passing through the cells highlighted in red will not correspond to the numbers in these cells. Therefore, the sought-after cell must contain a horizontal line.


4. Let's consider 4 cells highlighted in red. For all of them, there remains only one option for filling the adjacent cells, which will allow the required number of lines to pass through these cells.

5. After completing step 4, 2 more cells have appeared, for which similar reasoning can be applied.

6. 2 more cells with fully determined neighbors have appeared.


7. The cell with the number 7 highlighted in red already has the required number of lines passing through it. Therefore, the cell highlighted in blue must contain a horizontal line.

8. For 3 cells with numbers, blocks with unambiguously determined positions have appeared (similarly to steps 1 and 4).

9. Now similar reasoning can be applied to 2 more cells.


10. The same reasoning as in step 7 is applied to two cells highlighted in blue. Thus, these cells must contain horizontal lines.

11. For the remaining 4 cells with numbers, there is only one possible option for filling the adjacent cells.

12. The puzzle is solved!

Original article by @Meduzia:

Beğen + 1     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #609892   2024-03-29 11:55

Как решать головоломку трубы?

Как правило, чем больше возможностей поворота у деталей этой головоломки, тем сложнее ее решать. Для начала рекомендуем порешать вариант с квадратными и треугольными элементами. Рассмотрим процесс решения на более сложном, шестиугольном варианте головоломки “трубы”.


Процесс решения заключается в последовательном нахождении элементов, для которых поворот определяется однозначно. Т.е. существует только один единственный вариант поворота, когда правила не будут нарушены. Такие клетки можно помечать длинным тапом или правым кликом.

Так как отрезок не может упираться в пустоту, мы можем сразу найти несколько таких элементов по краям головоломки. Кроме того, для облегчения решения используйте тот факт, что две детали с окружностями не могут быть повернуты друг к другу, так как образуется обособленный узел. Мы можем мышью поставить красные пометки между ними. Кроме того, можно ставить зеленые линии на границах, где точно должно быть соединение. Это нам поможет в дальнейшем решении.


Далее проверяем детали, которые касаются уже найденных элементов и проверяем, возможно и для некоторых из них можно точно узнать единственное правильное положение. Чем больше рядом с деталью соседей серого цвета и различных пометок, тем больше вероятность, что окажется и у нее есть только один возможный вариант поворота.


Выставление пометок и выделение элементов серым цветом не обязательно, но чем больше мы их ставим, тем проще визуально находить положение новых элементов.


Все головоломки имеют только одно возможное решение и решаются логически.


Продолжаем решение таким же образом дальше, пока не решим головоломку полостью. Попробуйте решить эту головоломку самостоятельно: Удачи!


Видео-пример решения головоломки с другим видом деталей:

Beğen + 11     2
Blbbzk 48 Solver Rank  2024-03-29 06:48 + 3

Спасибо :)

maksiik 46 Solver Rank  2024-03-29 11:55 + 2


GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #609895   2024-03-28 20:12

How to Solve the Pipe Puzzle?

Usually, the more rotation options the parts of this puzzle have, the harder it is to solve. To start, we recommend solving the version with square and triangular elements. Let's consider the solving process for a more complex hexagonal variant of the "pipe" puzzle.


The solving process involves sequentially finding elements for which the rotation is determined unambiguously. That is, there is only one single rotation option where the rules will not be violated. Such cells can be marked with a long tap or a right-click.

Since a segment cannot lead into emptiness, we can immediately find several such elements on the edges of the puzzle. Additionally, to facilitate solving, use the fact that two parts with circles cannot be turned towards each other, as it creates an isolated node. We can place red marks between them using the mouse. Also, green lines can be drawn on the borders where the connection must be precise. This will help us in further solving.


Next, check the parts that touch the already found elements and see if it's possible to precisely determine the only correct position for some of them. The more neighbors of gray color and different marks next to a detail, the more likely it is that it has only one possible rotation option.


Adding marks and highlighting elements in gray is not mandatory, but the more we put them, the easier it is to visually find the position of new elements.


All puzzles have only one possible solution and are solved logically.


Continue solving in the same way until you solve the puzzle completely. Try solving this puzzle yourself:

Good luck!


Video example of solving another pipes puzzle:

Beğen + 2     0
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   2024-03-28 16:19

Post editor upgrade 🔥

Improved functionality of the post and comment editor. Added some markdown language elements such as:

  • lists
  • two-level headings
  • separators

Additionally added:

  • emoji selector
  • ability to preview comments



Beğen + 10     1
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-03-28 16:19 + 0

Спасибо! 😃

GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #610170   2024-03-25 21:26
We launched beta testing of a new competitive functionality - “leagues”. To participate in it, users do not require any additional actions; they just need to solve puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and Japanese crosswords and rate them. The more active and more you play, the higher your position in the league. The league icon is displayed in user comments instead of the old activity indicator - Solver Rank, used previously. Functionality similar in nature exists in some popular mobile applications and has proven itself in terms of increasing audience engagement and interest. Therefore, we decided to implement our own version. This is not the final version. Based on the results of testing and analysis, as well as your feedback, changes and improvements are possible.


Beğen + 8     6
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #609594   2024-03-25 21:26
We launched beta testing of a new competitive functionality - “leagues”. To participate in it, users do not require any additional actions; they just need to solve puzzles, jigsaw puzzles and Japanese crosswords and rate them. The more active and more you play, the higher your position in the league. The league icon is displayed in user comments instead of the old activity indicator - Solver Rank, used previously. Functionality similar in nature exists in some popular mobile applications and has proven itself in terms of increasing audience engagement and interest. Therefore, we decided to implement our own version. This is not the final version. Based on the results of testing and analysis, as well as your feedback, changes and improvements are possible.


Beğen + 8     6
Igor_v 40 Solver Rank  2024-03-23 23:58 + 3
Всё начнётся с нуля?
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-03-24 00:05 + 1
Класс, спасибо! solnce
Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
! /picross/id435926   2024-03-20 11:03
Solution example:

Beğen + 5     1
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2024-03-20 11:03 + 3
Это во сколько ускорено воспроизведение?
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #610169   2024-03-14 01:40
Opened a new section of puzzles: "Pipes"


Beğen + 20     14
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #608774   2024-03-14 01:40
Opened a new section of puzzles: "Pipes"


Beğen + 20     14
Sakara 48 Solver Rank  2024-03-10 22:47 + 7
Спасибо! poryadok
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-03-11 00:11 + 5
Cпасибо! vverh solnce
Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #610168   2024-03-06 16:14
A new section "Daily Puzzles" has been opened:
Every day one new puzzle will appear in it for each of the popular sections.
In addition, when solving daily puzzles, a special item drops: which can be exchanged for various surprises in the crafting section.



Beğen + 16     6
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #608486   2024-03-06 16:14
A new section "Daily Puzzles" has been opened:
Every day one new puzzle will appear in it for each of the popular sections.
In addition, when solving daily puzzles, a special item drops: which can be exchanged for various surprises in the crafting section.



Beğen + 16     6
SDFGHJ 50 Solver Rank  2024-03-06 11:36 + 6
Спасибо Большое за Новинку! klassdaisy
Вчера порешала и заработала энное количество бонусов и уже придумала во что их перевести. armchairalchemist-1
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-03-06 11:48 + 4
Спасибо! solnce :)
Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
In 2024, the opportunity to fight for the title of GrandGames champion will be given to players who crafted this ticket before October 28, 2024

The main component of this ticket can be accumulated with a high probability by regularly participating in Epic's weekly tournaments. If you reach the semifinals of any of these tournaments, there is a 25% chance of receiving it.

The format of the final tournament for the title of champion will be announced after the deadline, and depends on the number of ticket holders.

#champ2024 #sitenews

Beğen + 9     6
GrandGames Admin
In 2024, the opportunity to fight for the title of GrandGames champion will be given to players who crafted this ticket before October 28, 2024

The main component of this ticket can be accumulated with a high probability by regularly participating in Epic's weekly tournaments. If you reach the semifinals of any of these tournaments, there is a 25% chance of receiving it.

The format of the final tournament for the title of champion will be announced after the deadline, and depends on the number of ticket holders.

#champ2024 #sitenews

Beğen + 9     6
Meduzia 53 Solver Rank  2024-02-22 16:47 + 4
@Grandgames, скажите, пожалуйста, имеет ли значение количество билетов?
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2024-02-23 02:08 + 6
@GrandGames, Скажите, пожалуйста, вы могли бы сделать так, чтобы Tournament Point 2024 можно было бы во что-то конвертировать? Не обязательно во что-то дорогое. Я получила его совершенно случайно в одном из эпик-турниров, но крафтить билет на чемпионат не собираюсь, и теперь этот поинт лежит у меня мертвым грузом( Остальные предметы можно продать, пусть и подешевке, или пристроить в какой-нибудь рецепт. Или сделайте, пожалуйста, так, чтобы я могла его кому-нидубь продать/передать.
Или просто заберите его, пожалуйста))
Tüm yorumları göster
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #610167   2024-02-11 01:07

Big update to the game section
1. Added about 1000 games with the participation of developers:
2. Added a search system for games.
3. A rating system has appeared. After playing this or that game, do not forget to rate it, this will allow you to better systematize the catalog and bring forward the really best games and lower the core.
4. Thanks to the high level of development of the Ruffle project (a flash emulator for the Internet), it has become possible to add flash games to the site, which stopped officially working back in 2020. We added a couple of games. will be tested for performance and new original classic games will be added.
5. We have released an SDK for developers who want to add their games to GrandGames and integrate them tightly



Beğen + 15     7
GrandGames Admin
! /feed   ! #606530   2024-02-11 01:07

Big update to the game section
1. Added about 1000 games with the participation of developers:
2. Added a search system for games.
3. A rating system has appeared. After playing this or that game, do not forget to rate it, this will allow you to better systematize the catalog and bring forward the really best games and lower the core.
4. Thanks to the high level of development of the Ruffle project (a flash emulator for the Internet), it has become possible to add flash games to the site, which stopped officially working back in 2020. We added a couple of games. will be tested for performance and new original classic games will be added.
5. We have released an SDK for developers who want to add their games to GrandGames and integrate them tightly



Beğen + 15     7
Blbbzk 48 Solver Rank  2024-02-04 10:35 + 3
Просто необходим раздел "Мои игры", в которые будут попадать только игры. в которые я играю , слишком много теперь страниц
Blbbzk 48 Solver Rank  2024-02-04 10:41 + 2
И фильтр по типам игр не помешает, каждый день играю в слова и как найти, если название не смогу воспроизвести? А так выбрала бы "Игры со словами" и быстро бы нашла :)
Tüm yorumları göster
Site arayüzü öğelerinin yanlış veya hatalı bir çevirisi bulursanız, lütfen bildirin: @GrandGames
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